Green Cleaning

Advantages of Green Cleaning

The Vanguard Cleaning System® franchise organization not only believes in protecting the environment but also in green cleaning systems. New technologies in the cleaning industry are being developed every day and microfiber represents an industry shift in cleaning tools and products.

Vanguard is a proud user of Green Seal Certified Products

Advantages of Microfiber

  • Reduces cross contamination
  • Removes more dirt and grime
  • Reduces chemical consumption
  • Lessens environmental impact

Why are Vanguard® Businesses Interested in Green Cleaning?

  • The goal is to contribute to an attractive, clean, and healthy workplace environment.
  • By using microfiber products, a Vanguard Cleaning System® franchised janitorial business can assist its customers in providing an atmosphere that will attract and retain occupants.
  • Microfiber is an important component of green cleaning. Among the many benefits, microfiber reduces chemical use, water use and has less waste disposal.
  • Microfiber products are much more durable than conventional products which means less solid waste is created—a microfiber system can be used, washed and reused hundreds of times.

Learn more about the Vanguard Cleaning Systems® franchise organization and green cleaning services.

About the Vanguard Cleaning Systems® Brand
Founded in 1984, the Vanguard Cleaning Systems® organization is built upon over 2,500 independently owned and operated franchised commercial cleaning businesses, which are licensed and supported by an Area Franchise network of more than 50 independent regional offices throughout North America. Vanguard® franchised commercial cleaning businesses service over 15,000 businesses, healthcare companies, educational facilities, and non-profit organizations.

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